Oakwood Road Nursery Ltd.

3 Acre Garden Center, Nursery, Garden and Landscape design/build services

Location: Huntington, New York, United States

Bob and Donna, owners of Courduff's Oakwood Road Gardens since 1985, run a landscape design and build company and well as a 3 acre retail garden center, nursery and florist. The retail shop is open March through December. We grow many of our perennials and all roses from bareroot and starter plants. We also carry a large selection of mixed perennial/annual container gardens thoughout the spring and summer. Our 3-acre nursery allows us to grow on many unusual trees and shrubs to gorgeous specimen plants. Both Donna and Bob have been designers for 35+ years. They offer their customers a creative, knowledgable staff and a huge pallette of retail plant selections with the creative ability to help you plan your own masterpiece..

Saturday, June 17, 2006

May Gardening
Mother's day is near but don't be fooled by warm days because the night temperatures can drop easily to the 30's and 40's and it's trouble for many annuals and tropical plants that you want to enjoy the whole season. Watch for the changing moon for temperatures to drop. Frost is possible for the nights of 32 degrees. Most blooming annuals love warm weather but hotter weather for the blooms to really take off.
Don't put your house plants out until the end of May. Make sure that they move gradually to full sun as the leaves will burn. In the fall the same for bringing your plants back inside. Move them gradually to less sun then inside as they will not drop leaves as severly. Hibiscus, mandevilla, tibouchina, brugmansia, canna, caladium, papyrus, banana, colocasia, tropical fruit bearing trees, solanum (all potato vines and trees) and others like temperatures above 50 degrees.
Watch roses for those pesty aphids and inchworms that prey on flowers and leaves... use a systemic insecticide.
Annuals such as New Guinea impatiens, impatiens, begonias, coleus and vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash and cucumbers need warmer weather as in the third week of May to be planted. Dahlias can be started inside in pots. ( go see the Dahlia garden at Planting Fields this summer!!!!)
Annuals should be fertilized every other week with a good all around bloom boosting fertilizer. This should be routine throughout the summer months.
Remember to make sure seeds are planted into a sterile soil... and they should not be planted outside until all danger of frost is gone and ultimately not until the 3rd week of May.
Oakwood Road Gardens has a huge selection of unusual and exotic annuals and perennials that are blooming throughout the season... new varieties of lantana, verbena, bacopa, coleus, diascia, scaevola, wave petunias, calibrocoa ( million bells petunia), plectranthus, heliotrope, strobilanthus, salvia, osteospermum, argyranthemum, portulaca, non-stop begonia, mini and double blooming impatiens and New Guinea impatiens in all your favorite colors. Did you know there are orange and yellow impatiens and cascading ones too!!!!Many large shipments start the week before Mother's Day. Happy planting

More April Gardening
April showers bring May flowers.... forsythias and daffodils are in bloom... pansies and violas are a treat to plant. Pansies bloom into the summer... and longer with some of the heat tolerant varieties that we have now... violas are perennial and will come back next year... english primose is also a long blooming perennial that will come back if planted in a part sun area with well drained soil... ranunculus can be planted also
Early cold tolerant annuals are osteospermum, diasia, snapdragons, nemesia, stock, dianthus, cosmos, cleome, cornflower, nigella and larkspur,
Prune roses, Epsom salts will perk them up. Lightly scratch a half-cup into the soil around each plant.
Stake peonies before they start to flop over
Prune forsythia after they bloom