Oakwood Road Nursery Ltd.

3 Acre Garden Center, Nursery, Garden and Landscape design/build services

Location: Huntington, New York, United States

Bob and Donna, owners of Courduff's Oakwood Road Gardens since 1985, run a landscape design and build company and well as a 3 acre retail garden center, nursery and florist. The retail shop is open March through December. We grow many of our perennials and all roses from bareroot and starter plants. We also carry a large selection of mixed perennial/annual container gardens thoughout the spring and summer. Our 3-acre nursery allows us to grow on many unusual trees and shrubs to gorgeous specimen plants. Both Donna and Bob have been designers for 35+ years. They offer their customers a creative, knowledgable staff and a huge pallette of retail plant selections with the creative ability to help you plan your own masterpiece..

Sunday, February 11, 2007

February and March Gardening:
1. Save wood ashes to add to compost pile to speed humus decomposition; in the garden it supplies potash : sprinkle blood meal for a jump start
2. Force branches of Forsythia, Pieris, Flowering Quince, Dogwood, Flowering Crabapple, Pussywillow, Pear and Blueberry
3. Start seeds inside: keep soil moist, supply a good light source and diluted fertilizing once a week once germinated :start broccoli,cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage seeds inside
4. Plant insecticide recipe: 1/4 tsp. liquid dish detergent; 1tbl. vinegar; 1/4 tsp.ground pepper; 1 clove garlic; 1qt. water; blend, strain, spray : fertilize houseplants
5. Mulching beds will protect from the sun so the ground stays frozen and heaving is prevent
6. Fungicide recipe: 1tsp.baking soda; 1tbl. insecticidal soap; 1 qt. water
7. Good soil rejuvenation for roses is important for healthy roots including peat moss, dehydrated manure, shredded oak leaves, organic fertilizer in late April, prune now to encourage new growth
8. Plant gladiola
9. Sow cold hardy seeds late march in full sun (sweet peas, sweet alyssum, morning glory, marigolds, cosmos, zinnias, radishes, lettuce, snap peas, spinach and other veggies): plant potatoes, horseradish and rhubarb : Test soil PH... vegetables like slightly acidic 6.0 to 6.9 range 10. Prune useless wood from rambler roses, clematis, honeysuckle, and trumpet vine : prune butterfly bush: prune fruit trees : prune to renovate overgrown privet hedges
11. Apply lime to lawn with results of soil test, top dress with soil and reseed
12. Fertilize shrubs and evergreens with a good organic fertilizer that contains chelated iron: rhododendrons need a slow release high nitrogen fertilizer
13.Use dormant oil to kill eggs of aphids, scales and mites on trees and shrubs, hemlocks that
are plagued with wooley aldegid, fruit trees: avoid oil on red maples, blue spruce : use before plants have leafed out
14.Renew lawn by top dre